GRI Performance Indicators

When an organisation undertakes a GRI report, areas chosen to be reported are assessed against factors such as the level of relevance, expectations and interest of stakeholders and report readers, and availability of reporting information. Also included is commentary on the level of influence or control the organization has over various sustainability aspects and indicators.

Below is a summary of the aspects within the GRI reporting guidelines.








The G3.1 Guidelines detail all Categories, Aspects and Indicators along with guidance on how reporting should be undertaken. For example, when preparing a reporting, included should be the ‘disclosure on management approach (DMA)’, which is telling the story around how an issue has been managed.

Click through the menu options on the right to see the various indicators relevant for the event industry. Note that these are not complete lists. Access the G3.1 Guidelines to see all indicators.

The GRI Event Organiser Sector Supplement will be out on January 24, 2011.

The Event Organizer Sectors Supplement will come be released in 2012 and will have a complete list of indicators. Visit back to this page to review them.