Potential Issues

List of issues for events to consider in fulfilling issue identification and evaluation

Accessibility: Accessibility issues associated in the context of location, facilities, services provided including marketing and communications, etc

Air Quality (health) & Emissions

Animal Welfare: Activities at significant risk of impacting on animals / wildlife

Anti-Competitive Behaviour: Activities at significant risk of anticompetitive behaviour, anti-trust and monopoly practices

Anti-Doping: Activities at significant risk of involving use of drugs

Biodiversity: Consideration of flora and fauna (including protected sites) in connection with venue location, catering (e.g. endangered species), and use of materials, etc

Bribery and Corruption: Anti-corruption and gifts and gratuities policies

Child Labour: Activities at significant risk of incidences of child labour


Community : Impacts of activities on communities, including entering, operating and exiting

Complaints and Grievance Practices:

Customer Privacy: Breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

Diversity and Equal Opportunity: Diverse workforce and supply chain (i.e. gender, age, ethnicity, and other indicators of diversity)

Economic Performance: Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, donations and other community investments.

Emissions, Effluents, and Waste: Emissions relating to greenhouse gases, ozone-depleting substances, toxics (e.g. NO, SO, and particulates), water discharges and spillages, and waste

Employment and Skills: Workforce by employment type, contract and region

Energy: Energy consumed by source and nature of infrastructure. Energy consumption & emissions

Food and Beverage: Catering services are accessible and offer choice and balance and safe and hygienic

Forced and Compulsory Labour: Activities at significant risk of incidents of forced or compulsory labour

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining respected

Indigenous Rights: Rights of indigenous people respected

Indirect Economic Impacts: Indirect economic impacts including the development of any infrastructure and services provided to the public

Labour/Management Relations: Terms and conditions reflect International Labour Law

Land use & emissions to land

Market Presence: Legacy potential in respect of activities, including hard (e.g. infrastructure) or soft (e.g. knowledge transfer / sharing)

Local: Practices in relation to spending on locally-based suppliers and local hiring

Materials: Nature of materials used, including enhanced credentials in respect to sustainability (e.g. ability to reuse or recycle)

Non-discrimination: Areas / activities at risk of discrimination

Occupational Health and Safety: Compliance with regulations and codes concerning health and safety – both occupational and customer / public

Resource Use: Conserving the use of natural, renewable and non renewable resources.

Security Practices: Security policies and procedures and human rights

Sourcing of products and services: Sustainability criteria for sourcing activities

Training and Education: Programmes for skills management and support continued employability of workforce and supply chain

Transport and Logistics: Impacts of transporting people and goods

Venues and Accommodation: Location and credentials of venue / accommodation (e.g. Brownfield, Greenfield, Existing Venue)

Vulnerable Groups: Vulnerable Groups (e.g. children and youth at risk, the elderly, disabled people, the internally displaced, refugees or returning refugees, and women) at significant risk of being affected by activities

Water: Water of good quality and readily accessible or impacted by regional constraints (e.g. water scarcity) Water use and management, emissions to water

Waste: Recycling, landfill, biodegradable, salvage. Waste reduction.

Information is from the ISO 20121