Internal Audit Checklist 8. Operations Step 1 of 4 25% Event NameAuditor NameEvent DateEmail 8. OPERATION8.1 Operational planning and controlShall Requirements:The organization shall plan, implement and control the processes needed to meet requirements, and to implement the actions determined in 6.1SEMS QUESTION: ALL OPERATIONAL and PROCUREMENT QUESTIONSAUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:This clause requires that processes are in place to manage issues and implement actions identified in clauses 4.1, 4.2 and 6.1. Please read the clause 8.1in full as there are several other requirements detailed. The auditor must contextualise the event and organization situation and determine whether the organization has adequately identified and managed issues which relate to their particular circumstances. This is any internal and external issue that may influence the ability of the organization to meet its sustainability goals and the auditor when undertaken the conformity assessment should consider these issues. • Review all operational questions under OFFICE and EVENT and assess for relevance and appropriateness to the scope and scale of the organization, the scope defined for the management system, the size and complexity of the sample event being reviewed, the objectives and sustainability performance indicators. • Ensure processes are in place and documented, through onsite visits and interviews. • Ensure procedures are in place where required for the successful implementation of the management system where not already required in the standard.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization effectively manages issues which have been identified and has processes in place to ensure ability to manage any modifications to activities, products or services which occur during the event life cycle. The organization uses a comprehensive system to identify issues for management, and to document and report performance outcomes. Establish criteria for the processes Implement control of the processes in accordance with the criteria Processes are documented Planned changes are controlled and consequences of unintended changes reviewed Procedures are in place as required The organization has essential procedures and processes missing or not documented Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 8. OPERATION8.2 Dealing with modified activities, products or servicesShall Requirements:Where new or modified activities, products or services, or changing operational circumstances are encountered, issues, objectives, targets and plan(s) shall be reviewed and amended where relevant to ensure that the best overall solution is delivered adhering to the organization's statement of purpose and values and sustainable development policy.SEMS QUESTION: ALL OPERATIONAL and PROCUREMENT QUESTIONSAUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:This clause requires that issues, objectives, targets and plans are reviewed and amended where necessary, where new or modified activities, products or services or changing operational circumstances are in place. • Assess whether any changes to the event or organisation has occurred since the issues, objectives, targets and plans were identified or established. • Ensure changes have been made to objectives, targets and plans as deemed necessary to manage new issues identified due to these changes. • Review documentation and processes in action.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: Changes to the event’s activities products or services have been noted and any required changes to issues, objectives, targets and plans have been reviewed and amended as necessary. Changes have occured but no action taken to adjust plans etc Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 8. OPERATION8.3 Supply chain managementShall Requirements:The organization shall establish the relevance of each of the objectives, targets and plan(s) to individual suppliers, and shall include sufficient and relevant information in tender or other documentation to enable its suppliers to demonstrate their capability to support the objectives.SEMS QUESTION: COMMUNICATIONS: Supply Chain: There is a process in place which ensures sourcing refers to the importance of sustainability in tenders and contract documentation and that guidance is provided on the organization’s desired sustainability outcomes and performance expectations required of suppliers.PROCUREMENT: POLICY, SUPPLIERS, REPORTING: The organization has a procurement policy that supports the achievement of event sustainability targets.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:This clause requires that the sustainability objectives, targets and plans of the organization and requirements on supply chain are included in tender or other documentation. It is also required that suppliers are informed of how they will be assessed with regards to sustainability requirements. Those that source products and services on behalf of the organization must justify their sourcing choices based considering the sustainability requirements in place by the organization. Look for: • Description of their sourcing process • Sustainable Sourcing Policy • Sustainable Sourcing Process document • Communication with supply chain around sustainability requirements is in place. This include materials and supplies, infrastructure and equipment hire, along with service providers. (eg catering, waste, energy) • Justification for sourcing which conflicts with principlesCONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization's supply chain communication includes the importance of sustainability outcomes and offers guidance in achieving goals. There is a Sustainable Sourcing process document; or A Sustainable Procurement Policy. Any sourcing which conflicts with stated SD principles or sustainability plans and objectives is justified. Suppliers are informed of the sustainability aspects that will be included in the final sourcing decision. Auditor commentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Back to list of forms