Internal Audit Checklist – 9. Performance Evaluation Step 1 of 4 25% Event NameAuditor NameEvent DateEmail 8. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION9.1 Performance against governing principles of sustainable development9.2 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluationShall Requirements:The organization shall establish its approach to evaluating current and target performance against its statement of purpose and values and the governing principles of sustainable development relating to event management (see 4.5).SEMS QUESTION: REPORTING AND CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT Performance Measurement and Reporting: Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, and reporting of sustainability performance is undertaken. NOTE: Crosses over with 6.2 Event sustainability objectives and how to achieve them, and 10.2 Continual Improvement. PLANNING Objectives and targets: Sustainability performance objectives, measurable targets and performance indicators have been set and communicated to all relevant parties.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:Clause 9.1 requires a review of the governing principles of sustainable development be undertaken. Clause 9.1 is closely tied to Clause 9.4 Management Review as it is likely that at this level the review of SD principles adherence will occur. Clause 9.2 requires that what needs to be monitored and measured; the methods for monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation; when the monitoring and measuring shall be performed; when the results from monitoring and measurement shall be analysed and evaluated. • View the process for measuring performance against the governing principles of sustainable development • View the process for the collection of performance measurement data. • Cross check all the measurement questions in the SEMS Tool and verify that adequate systems have been implemented to collect and measure data. • Read the report and assess if it is accurate to the results of the SEMS Tool submission. Review if it is disclosed to interested parties in full or in part to keep the communications channels flowing which is essential for continual improvement and ongoing implementation of the management system.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization has a process to review performance against the governing principles of sustainable development. The organization has a process for the collection of performance data, analysis and evaluation of that data. The organization has implemented the process to collect, analyse and evaluation sustainability performance. The organization prepares a comprehensive sustainability performance report which demonstrates its commitment to the management system implementation, to facilitating management review and establishing processes to embed continual improvement. The organization has no formal performance review procedures or processes The organization as some, but incomplete performance review procedures and processes Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 9. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION9.3 Internal auditShall Requirements:The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the event sustainability management system:SEMS QUESTION: REPORTING AND CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT Evaluating Compliance: The management system is audited internally.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:It is a requirement of this clause that the organisation conduct an internal audit to assess its conformity to the requirements of the standard. This clause requires that issues, objectives, targets and plans are reviewed and amended where necessary, where new or modified activities, products or services or changing operational circumstances are in place. • Check that the organization audits its management system. • Check it is documented who conducts the audit and when it is done. • This may be evidenced through a procedure or process outlying how they do the internal audit. • Ensure they own a copy of the standard! • Check they have assigned a competent person to do the audit. This may mean the person has been trained in ISO implementation and auditing.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization conducts internal audits at planned intervals to provide information on whether the event sustainability management system is being implemented effectively. There is documentation to state who conducts the audit and when they occur. Those conducting the audits have the competency to do so. The organization owns a copy of the standard. No internal audit is undertaken (!!) Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 9. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION9.4 Management reviewShall Requirements:Top management shall review the organization's event sustainability management system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.SEMS QUESTION: REPORTING AND CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT Management Review: Top management demonstrates its ongoing leadership and commitment to sustainability by performing effective management reviews, to ensure goals are met, issues of non-‐conformity addressed, and continual improvement is possible.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:It is a requirement that a review of the governing principles of sustainable development be undertaken. The standard requires that the planned dates or intervals of Management Review are recorded and that the outcomes of these reviews and evidence of these occurring are documented. • Review evidence of a management review and that the process would be effective in supporting improvement and continuation of the management system and the meeting of the SD principles. • Review evidence that the planned dates or intervals of the Management Review are recorded • Review that the outcomes of these reviews and evidence of these occurring are documented.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: An effective management review is undertaken which demonstrates ongoing commitment and leadership in the implementation of the sustainable event management system and supporting continual improvement. The planned dates of the Management Review are recorded. The outcomes of the management review are recorded. No management review is in place Auditor commentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Back to list of forms