Internal Auditor Checklist 7. Support Step 1 of 6 16% Event NameAuditor NameEvent DateEmail 7. SUPPORT7.1 ResourcesShall Requirements:The organization shall determine and provide the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continual improvement of the event sustainability management system. Resources shall include staffing, competency, training, infrastructure, technology and finance.SEMS QUESTION: COMMITMENT & RESOURCING: Resources Provided: Top management demonstrates its commitment to sustainability through allocating adequate time, money, human resources and materials.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:This clause requires that resources be allocated. Assess whether adequate resources have been available -‐ does everything look rushed? Do the team know what they are doing? Are there solutions available? • Staffing: Are there enough people to do it? • Competency: Do they know what they are doing? • Training: staff training and onsite inductions? • Infrastructure: is equipment needed available? • Technology: for example apps, video conferencing, intranet • Finance: budget allocated?CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization's top management provide the necessary resources to effectively implement a sustainable event management system. Staffing Competency Training Infrastructure Technology Finance Sufficient resources are available to ensure the successful implementation of an event sustainability management system and performance outcomes. Resources are not provided Insufficient resources are provided Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 7. SUPPORT7.2 CompetenceShall Requirements:Read the clause in full, as there are many ‘shall’ aspects.SEMS QUESTION: COMMITMENT & RESOURCING: Competence and Awareness: Top Management ensures those doing work under the organization’s control, have the required competencies in event sustainability, provide training or specialist support as required, and ensure awareness of the organization’s sustainability policy.Note: Crosses with 7.4 CommunicationAUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:This clause (7.2) requires that the organization determine the necessary competence of those doing work under its control that affects its event sustainability performance, based on appropriate education, training or experience. Where competencies are lacking, top management must provide training or support • Review documentation of steps taken to ensure those working on behalf of the organization have the competencies to complete their work with regards to sustainability. (This can include staff, contractors, workforce at the event, food stallholders, caterers, waste workers etc.). Competencies can also include the skills necessary to know how to implement the management system. • Look for documented proof of competencies being achieved. This could include: ‐ a log of competencies next to staff names.‐ a schedule/log of training undertaken and workshops attended ‐ documented proof of inclusion of sustainability in onsite inductions ‐ a log of inductions which have occurred.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization has demonstrated that the required competency exists by those doing work under its control that affects its event sustainability performance, or is available externally, to ensure successful implementation of the event sustainability management system. The organization has documented who has undertaken training, and/or competencies. Onsite/at event inductions are undertaken. Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 7. SUPPORT7.3 AwarenessShall Requirements:Read the clause in full, as there are many ‘shall’ aspects.SEMS QUESTION: COMMUNICATIONS: Stakeholder Identification and Awareness: The organization has procedures and processes to identify all interested parties/stakeholders in the event sustainability management system and communicates sustainability commitment and/or requirements to them.Note: Crosses with 7.4 CommunicationAUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:Clause 7.3 requires the organisation additionally must ensure these people are aware of the organization’s sustainability policy. • Review evidence of their awareness of the Sustainability Policy. Awareness can be through many engagement activities that are detailed in the Event Sustainability Communications Matrix Document. • This could be through declared experience of implementation by team members, resumes, through the team or individuals undertaking CPD or a consultant being engaged to guide them through. • Look for clauses in employment/engagement contracts. • Look for action lists or other documentation that states their expected duties. • Look for communication of the consequences of not acting. • Interview staff to prove awarenessCONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization has demonstrated there is awareness amongst those doing work under its control of the organization’s sustainable development principles, policy and plans. A log is kept of methods of communications or a plan for communications is documented. Clauses are included in employment or engagement contracts or similar documentation. Action plans or other documentation is provided to staff/crew/contractors on their expected duties. Inductions occur where relevant Adherence is included in staff performance reviews. There is a lack of awareness amongst stakeholders Adequate documented evidence has not been kept Auditor commentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 7. SUPPORT 7.4 CommunicationShall Requirements:The organization shall establish, maintain and implement procedures for external communication with relevant suppliers and other interested parties.SEMS QUESTION: COMMUNICATION: Stakeholder Identification and Awareness: The organization has procedures and processes to identify all interested parties/stakeholders in the event sustainability management system and communicates sustainability commitment and/or requirements to them.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:This clause requires that a procedure be in place for external communications with external suppliers and interested parties. • View the procedure for identification of and communication with interested parties in the event sustainability management system. • The communications are adequate to the size and complexity of the organization’s event activities.CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: The organization's stakeholder communication includes imparting all information necessary about the organization's commitment to sustainable development principles, its implementation of the event sustainability management system, its purpose and objectives, guidance, best practice and implementation processes. Communication covers: Governing principles of Sustainable Development Purpose of the event The system for managing improved event sustainability issues, objectives and targets Guidance, best practices for achieving objectives and targets Relevance to interested parties Progress in relation to performance Feedback from interested parties/stakeholders The organization’s stakeholder communications are adequate to the size and complexity of the organization’s event activities. Adequate communications are not in place Auditor CommentsThis may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit. 7. SUPPORT 7.5 Documented information7.5.1 General | 7.5.2 Creating and updating | 7.5.3 Control of documented informationShall Requirements:Documented information required by this International Standard; documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness of the event sustainability management system; documents determined by the organization to be necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes that relate to its significant sustainable development issues.SEMS QUESTION: PLANNING: Documentation: Those procedures and processes which relate to the planning, operation and control of significant event sustainability issues have been documented.AUDITOR INSTRUCTIONS:Having plans and processes to manage event sustainability issues documented, is a requirement of the standard. There must be clear delegation of roles, including communications channels, and responsibility for decision-‐making, operational control and task responsibility. All processes relating to the management of issues in relation to the sustainability performance of the event/organization's event activities must be documented. This question is an overarching question. There will be requirements in many other areas of the standard for documentation. Additionally the Operational Control section will have documentation requirements. • This may be embedded in a policy, an annual report, or on the website as a statement. They may also be signed up to accords or protocols, us as the UN Global Compact or other campaigns or pledge style programs.• Review documentation to ensure version control, delivery appropriateness, suitability for purpose and currency (up to date and relevant to situation).CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT: All documentation required by the standard is in place. All documentation deemed to be required by the organisation for successful implementation of the event sustainability management system is in place. The documentation prepared by the organisation for successful implementation of the event sustainability management system is up to date, has adequate version control mechanisms in place, is in relevant and accessible formats, is up to date and relevant to the situation. Inadequate or incomplete documetation is in place. Operational Control Example Documentation Destination/Site/Venue/Accommodation: Procedures and processes are in place for the selection of event destination, site, venue and accommodation. Waste: Procedures and processes are included in the Event Management Plans for each site or venue controlled by the organization. Traffic: Procedures and processes are included in the Event Management Plans of each site or venue controlled by the organization. Water: Procedures and processes are included in the Event Management Plans of each site or venue controlled by the organization. Energy: Procedures and processes are included in the Event Management Plans of each site or venue controlled by the organization. Catering: Procedures and processes are included in the Catering Operations Plan and requirements are included in third party caterer’s information and contracts. Protection of site, biodiversity and waterways: Procedures and processes are included in the Event Management Plans of each site. Procurement: Procedures and processes are included in the Event Management Plans of each site or venue controlled by the organization. Additionally the Marketing and Sponsorship departments are developing procedures for ensuring no conflict arises in the procurement and partnership decisions made by these departments. Communication: Documented communications protocols during onsite operations, including emergency response communications and delegations of authority for decision-‐ making. Auditor Comments:This may include corrective action to be taken. Also include notes on continual improvement to look out for in the next audit.CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Back to list of forms