4.3 Determining the scope of the event sustainability management system
When describing the scope of the management system, the 'angle' that an organisation is coming from in preparing and implementing their management system will come into play. Here are some examples:
For an organisation that owns and manages a single event or umbrella event:
XYZ Organisation’s scope of the event sustainability management system includes:
- The year round office/organisation based activities
- All events in XYZ Organisation controlled venues.
Excluded from the scope are:
- Event activities that occur in venues which are not under the direct managerial or operational control of XYZ Organisation, but which are hired/host events under the XYZ Organisation’s event umbrella
- Workplace health and safety as this is dealt with in detail already.
- Food health and safety as this is handled by our catering manager liaison with the local Council health inspectors and is a regulatory requirement.
- Safety and crowd control for attendees, as this is already managed by the safety department and is a requirement of our event license with insurers, Council and Police.
For an event organising company that manages events for clients:
XYZ Organisation’s scope of the event sustainability management system includes:
- Requirements as they relate to our company’s principles of sustainable development, staff, policies, procedures and processes.
- All procedure and process documentation with sustainability relevance that form the basis of all company operational practices for general event planning and delivery.
- All office based procurement for our organisation.
Where a client indicates they wish their event to be produced sustainability:
- Policy is related to the client event.
- Objectives are formed for the client event.
- Interested parties are identified and engaged for the client event.
- Issues are identified, and plans of action put in place for managing these issues, for the client event.
- Operational control, non conformities and corrective action for the client event.
Example Scope for Event Owner
For an organisation that owns and manages a single event or umbrella event scope of the event sustainability management system could include:
- The year round office/organisation-based activities
- All events in XYZ Organisation controlled venues.
Excluded from the scope could be:
- Event activities that occur in venues which are not under the direct managerial or operational control of the organisation, but which are hired/host events under the organisation’s event umbrella
- Workplace health and safety as this is dealt with in detail already by another department.
- Food health and safety as this is handled by the catering manager liaison with the local Council health inspectors and is a regulatory requirement.
- Safety and crowd control for attendees, as this is already managed by the safety department and is a requirement of the event license with insurers, Council and Police.
Example Scope For Event Organiser
For an event organising company that manages events for clients the scope could include:
- Requirements as they relate to the company’s principles of sustainable development, staff, policies, procedures and processes.
- All procedure and process documentation with sustainability relevance that form the basis of all company operational practices for general event planning and delivery.
- All office based procurement for the organisation.
Where a client indicates they wish their event to be produced sustainability:
- Policy is related to the client event.
- Objectives are formed for the client event.
- Interested parties are identified and engaged for the client event.
- Issues are identified, and plans of action put in place for managing these issues, for the client event.
- Operational control, non-conformities and corrective action for the client event.
In assessing conformity to this clause the auditor will look for written description of the scope. This could be a standalone statement or preamble to a document.