4.5 Course Reading

course notes2

4.5 Sustainable development principles, statement of purpose and values

Relevant Definitions:

Sustainable Development: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs
Inclusivity: practice of fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all interested parties
Integrity: adherence to ethical principles
Stewardship: responsibility for sustainable development  (3.3) shared by all those whose actions affect environmental performance, economic activity, and social progress, reflected as both a value and a practice by individuals, organizations  (3.1), communities, and competent authorities
Transparency: openness about decisions and activities that affect society, the economy and the environment, and willingness to communicate these in clear, accurate, timely, honest and complete manner

See expanded notes on these definitions in the standard.
By declaring a statement of Sustainable Development principles to which the organization subscribes, the organisation is confirming the values by which it runs. These values form a bridge between the principles and the operations of the organisation. Establishing the higher principles to which the organisation subscribes, will make decision making easier down the track. So what are these principles?
Sustainable Development principles can include aspects such as Inclusivity, Integrity, Stewardship, Transparency, Labour Standards, Human Rights, and Legacy and Leadership.
Whenever there are decisions to be made which may have a sustainability impact, the organization should refer back to their values (guiding Sustainable Development principles) to assess if the procurement or operational decision conflicts with the values of the organisation.
There must be a document that lays this out and includes the primary purpose and values of the organisation as it relates to Sustainable Development principles and its event activities. This can be encompassed in a Sustainability Policy, or it may be as a separate statement. Potentially is could be in, for example, the leading page to annual reports or the ‘about us’ section of an organisation’s website.
Planning for sustainability provides a framework which links economic, social, environmental, and governance matters.
Embracing these at an organisational level is the first step, next comes embedding these principles into the operational, procurement (and possibly content) aspects of event production. The principles should guide strategy and decision-making processes right down to operational aspects of an event.

Requirements of this Clause:

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  • There must a statement formally documented which includes the primary purpose of the organization and its values, as they relate to Sustainable Development principles. What it ‘stands for’ over and above profit or its principle operating purpose.
  • There must be a statement formally documented which defines its primary purpose and values in respect to itsevent activities.
  • The organisation must include considerations, at a minimum, in their governing principles of Sustainable Development for stewardship, inclusivity, integrity and transparency.


Suggested Steps:

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  • Determine what your organisation stands for, over and above making profit or its primary agenda (eg imparting information, providing entertainment). Consider the Sustainable Development Principles outlined in various protocols such as the UN Global Compact and formalise what are acceptable values for your organisation.
  • Consider the event-related activities, their purpose as it relates to your organisation’s primary purpose and how the event activities can be used to enhance the organisation’s values around Sustainable Development principles.
  • Develop a statement for inclusion in various internal and external communications, which explains the above.
  • Define how these principles can be put into action in relation to your event activities. Offer examples and context. Connect the event  activities (purchasing, logistics, at-event programming, stakeholder engagement etc) with the values and principles.
  • Ensure at a minimum the principles of stewardship, inclusivity, integrity and transparency are addressed.


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