6.1.3 Course Reading

course notes2

6.1.3 Legal and other requirements

Relevant Definitions:

Procedure:  specified way to carry out an activity or a process
Requirement: need or expectation that is stated, generally implied or obligatory
Best Practice:  documented process or product developed by the user community, consisting of suppliers and customers, teaming for the purpose of establishing industry guidelines

Laws or regulations (local or national), or site/venue based requirements may affect planning and decision-making during the event planning life cycle.
Operational aspects are most likely to be regulated or have various laws applying to them. This can include environmental regulation or legislation around such aspects as waste management, waterways protection, traffic disruption, sound and lighting disruption, pollution, light etc.
Additionally laws or regulations may affect the supply chain and supplier’s own sourcing, which may have an affect on decision making by the event.
You should have a procedure in place to ensure you are able to continually identify and have access to existing or emerging regulations, laws or other requirements to which the organisation may wish to or have to adhere. This could also include voluntary codes of practice, for example a membership charter to a professional association, or signing up to a treaty such as the UN Global Compact.
An important aspect to this Clause is the mention of international best practice. The inclusion of this is to encourage event producers which work in multiple countries, do not default to in-country best practice if they have the organiser has the capability to lift best practice, through their own systems, knowledge and resources.

Suggested Steps for Procedure Implementation:

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  • Identify the legal or other requirements (with sustainability issue/impact related content) which could be relevant to your event activities. For example county/local, state/territory/province, and national/federal codes, laws, regulations and bylaws.
  • Identify voluntary protocols, accords or other agreements to which the organisation subscribes, which may have an impact on the decisions made in relation to event activities.
  • Review venue requirements.
  • Review contract or hosting agreement requirements.
  • Review event licensing requirements (safety, alcohol, traffic etc).
  • For events with multiple locations, identify the various requirements and regulating bodies responsible.
  • Complete the checklist, chart, or other forms created.
  • Ensure all regulatory requirements are met!


Requirements of this Clause:

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  • Establish a procedure which instructs event staff on how to identify legal and other requirements. (eg using the checklists established).
  • Establish a protocol on how to ensure that this procedure and processes are followed for all events. For example including it in the reporting cycle.
  • Establish a protocol on how to ensure that new, revised or anticipated legal or other regulations are identified and addressed both in action and in the procedure and process documentation.
  • Create a checklist to enable event producers to work through each of the likely legal or voluntary commitments.
  • Establish a chart form or checklist template that can be used for each event, which can be used as evidence of implementation of the procedure.


Download an example Legal and Other Requirements Procedure.

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