Subject Reading
7.5 Documented Information
A management system requires documentation of procedures and processes so that prior learnings can be used and that effective and efficient processes are implemented.
Documentation could include procedures for issues or interested parties identification, or the identification of relevant legal or other requirements. Documentation of processes including delegation of roles and responsibilities, action lists, processes and procedures for implementation of event activities and operations. It is always assumed that procedures that are documented are actually implemented, that they are maintained and revised periodically.
Ensuring you have processes in place that are documented, especially for dealing with non conformities at the event site during the event are important. That you have processes in place to deal with potential high risk (to sustainability outcomes) situations which are documented is essential.
Ensure that all documentation is available to those that need it, through various and appropriate methods. Also ensure that documents are protected from being lost or destroyed, that they are appropriate titled, include dates or version number, who wrote them, who is responsible for their implementation and signed if necessary.
Any documentation which has been created external to the organization but deemed necessary for operational control (eg legal requirements, regulations for use of venues/sites etc) should likewise be disseminated and stored appropriately.
It is important that controls are in place to ensure that obsolete or old versions of documentation are not accidentally used and therefore electronic copies should be so named/filed and a log of who has the documentation kept so that updates can be distributed to all relevant parties.
The documentation prepared by the organisation for successful implementation of the event sustainability management system should be up to date, have adequate version control mechanisms in place, in relevant and accessible formats, and up to date and relevant to the situation.
Ensure that all documentation is available to those that need it, through various and appropriate methods. Also ensure that documents are protected from being lost or destroyed, that they are appropriate titled, include dates or version number, who wrote them, who is responsible for their implementation and signed if necessary.
Any documentation which has been created external to the organization but deemed necessary for operational control (eg legal requirements, regulations for use of venues/sites etc) should likewise be disseminated and stored appropriately. It is important that controls are in place to ensure that obsolete or old versions of documentation are not accidentally used and therefore electronic copies should be so named/filed and a log of who has the documentation kept so that updates can be distributed to all relevant parties.
Requirements of this Clause:
All required documentation mentioned in this standard must be in place. Throughout the standard there are many mentions of the word ‘shall’. Where this is referring to a ‘procedure’ or referring to ‘documentation’ then this MUST be attended to.
Document the scope of the management system.
Document the way the processes interact with each other.
Document the organization’s governing principles of sustainable development in the form of a statement of purpose and values.
Establish a sustainable development/sustainability policy.
Document a log to prove the Sustainability Policy has been communicated.
Document delegation of roles and responsibilities.
Document competencies of staff and contractors.
Document who has undertaken training.
Document inductions that occur onsite.
Create a procedure for identification with and engagement of interested parties.
Use and show evidence of a tool for identification and planning engagement with interested parties.
Document the outputs of the engagement with interested parties.
Establish and document a Supply Chain Management Process.
Establish a procedure to identify sustainability issues and to evaluate their significance.
Establish procedure to identify current and emerging legal and other requirements, to which the organization subscribes.
Document the sustainability objectives at relevant functions and levels.
Establish procedures for those activities critical to the successful implementation of the event sustainability management system, where their absence could lead to a departure from the governing principles of sustainable development, purpose, values, policy, objectives and targets.
Establish a procedure for collecting performance data.
Establish a log of internal audit dates and responsibilities
Document proof that placement of sustainability performance on the agenda at Top Management meetings and/or board meetings.
Document proof of the inclusion of consideration for continual improvement and new goals, objectives and targets for performance, at these reviews and the formal setting of new aims and documented evidence of the outcomes of the review.
Create a procedure that defines the responsibilities and authorities for handling and investigating non-conformities.