8.1 Course Notes

course notes2

8.1 Operational planning and control

Relevant Definitions:

Process:  sequence of activities or parties that provides products or services to the organization.
Procedure:  specified way to carry out an activity or a process

In order to effectively implement the organisation’s policy, plans, and procedures with regards to sustainable event management, the organisation must have ‘processes’ in place.
This is typical for any event, however ISO 20121 details this requirement in the Clause 8.1, in case as an event producer, you’ve forgotten that you need to use some kind of planned processes to do what you need to do!
Of course most events will have this wrapped up in their very comprehensive event management plan.
Processes which are likely to be included in general event planning and are innately part of sustainability, have some cross over with, or need to be updated to include sustainability issues and considerations include:

  • Traffic management
  • Accessibility
  • Security
  • Emergency procedures
  • Work Health and Safety
  • Inductions
  • Risk Management
  • Waste Management
  • Cleaning & Sanitation

Where sustainability considerations are already included in the existing event management plan and documented processes, then refer to these. Don’t try and re-write processes if they already exist.
Documenting Process and Procedures
The standard suggests you  have formally documented processes or procedures, where not documenting them will lead to the mismanagement of an issue.
This would be where the step by step execution of an activity is laid out. For example if you have volunteer stewards that interface with patrons at the recycling bins. You're required to create a document which outlines the steps of recruiting, rostering, inducting, supervising, communicating with, and enacting the green steward program.
The crux of any process being documented is to imagine if you left your role (or got hit by the proverbial bus), and someone else needed to run the program next year. This is the documentation that is required for ‘Operational Control’.

Suggested Steps:

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  • Identify existing processes that are associated with identified issues whose outputs or impacts may effect the organisation's ability to meet its sustainability-related policies, objectives and targets. (for example issues, see Clauses 4.14.2 and 6.1.)
  • Adjust these processes to ensure they include considerations for meeting the values, policy, and planned objectives of the organisation for event sustainability performance.
  • Document the processes as necessary.
  • Ensure  all staff know what they need to do, have the skills to do so, and that adequate resources are provided for successful execution of the process.


Requirements of this Clause:

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  • Ensure adequate control, through formalising processes to manage these issues and implement actions.
  • Provide evidence of processes being implemented effectively.
  • Have adequate steps in place to control outsourced activities and their related processes.
  • Document procedures and processes where their absence may mean issues will not be identified or managed appropriately.


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