8.2 Course Notes

course notes2

8.2 Dealing with modified services

When a management system is set up, issues are identified, objectives set, plans put in place and procedures and processes documented and implemented. However if an organisation makes changes, then some of these elements need to be reviewed and modified as deemed necessary.
Changes could include:

  • ownership of the company and purpose or sustainable development principles altered.
  • the venue, destination or site for the event changes
  • the sponsor or funding source changing
  • the theme or content of the event changing
  • the choice of partner product providers, such as beverage sponsors changing
  • the reduction or increase of budget, staffing or other resources
  • availability of new solutions (e.g. a composting facility coming on line, new organic range of produce available locally, or new service providers or caterers).
  • changes to external services such as local transport solutions


Requirements of this Clause:

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  • issues, objectives, targets and plans are reviewed and amended where necessary, where new or modified activities, products or services or changing operational circumstances are in place.


Suggested Steps:

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  • Ensure changes have been made to objectives, targets and plans as deemed necessary to manage new issues identified due to these changes.
  • Assess whether any changes to the event or organisation has occurred since the issues, objectives, targets and plans were identified or established.
  • Review documentation and processes and amend as necessary.


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