8.3 Supply chain management
Relevant Definitions:
Supply Chain: | sequence of activities or parties that provides products or services to the organization. |
For many events, procurement is a major aspect of event planning and production activity. The materials, goods and services, and even the hiring of a venue, are collectively known as the supply chain. Ensuring effective management of the supply chain is necessary to support the sustainability performance ambitions of the organisation.
In order to ensure the organisation's sustainability principles, policy, intent, and objectives are met, the supply chain must be informed of these requirements and those undertaking procurement must use processes to inform, evaluate and justify their sourcing decisions, as it applies to sustainability-related requirements.
Suppliers should be informed of how they will be assessed with regards to sustainability requirements, and all relevant information included in tender documents, or other communications where formal tendering is not in place.
Those individuals or organizations involved in the production of the event, which are part of the supply chain, but not necessarily provide actual products; such as sub-contractors, stallholders, exhibitors, talent and the venue; should have involvement, compliance and performance expectations included in their contracts. Penalties or incentives can be included.
Ensure the event tender documentation clearly outlines the organization’s commitment to sustainability and requests all respondents to outline their own sustainability policies. Include these guidelines in tender documentation or additional information documentation.
Requirements of this Clause:
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- the sustainability intent, objectives, targets and relevant plans of the organisation must be included in tender or other sourcing-related documentation
- the sustainability requirements must be included in tender or other sourcing-related documentation
- suppliers must be informed of how they will be assessed with regards to sustainability requirements
- documented evidence of sourcing process, tender specifications, communications with suppliers is available
- justification of sourcing decisions where they depart from the sustainability intent, policy, plans and commitments
Suggested Steps:
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- Produce a Sustainable Sourcing Policy. Use the organisation's Event Sustainability Policy and the organisation's declared values and commitment to Sustainable Development principles to direct the sourcing policy points.
- Include guidance or specifications on when various sourcing scrutiny levels 'kicks' in. This may include certain types of materials or products, certain geographic regions where sourcing takes place, or a dollar amount or proportion of event budget.
- Create a Sustainable Sourcing Process. This would include the steps that those making sourcing decisions must take to consider sustainability policy and principles.
- Produce template tender specifications for relevant areas of the supply chain.
- Produce a checklist to assist staff when making sourcing decisions.
- Included in the process should be a system for those making sourcing decisions to justify their sourcing decisions where they may conflict with principles, values or policy.
- Consider those that are making sourcing decisions on your behalf (marketing agencies, professional conference organisers, caterers, food stallholders, venues, vendors selling wares) and establish protocols to control or direct this sourcing also.
Download templated sourcing documents and tools.