- Buy a Copy of the Standard: If you are going to assess your conformity to the standard, you had best have a copy of the standard at hand! You can buy a copy of the standard through your national standards body. We recommend you just download the pdf. Purchase the standard.
- Plain Language Guide to ISO 20121: A plain-language interpretation of the steps involved in implementing ISO 20121 and helps you to understand how this new international standard can be included in your event planning and delivery.
- Grow Beyond Green: Read this guide to find out how your organisation can grow beyond green using the new international standard ISO 20121. Our industry is witnessing a growing trend to ensure it understands the sustainability impacts of producing events and to establish systems to identify and manage the issues and impacts with positive outcomes.
ISO Documentation Requirements: Documentation is a major part of implementing a management system. This is one of the main tools to ensure that awareness exists amongst your team and stakeholders and also that the ‘instruction manual’ is written to direct your team on how to approach sustainable event management. To help you navigate your way through the documentation requirements in the standard, we have created a guide which highlights the documentation required by ISO 20121.
- Checklists: Use our checklists document to help you track through your event to ensure you’ve addressed sustainability impacts. Get ready for ISO 20121 conformity. Click through to the downloadables under 'Resources' on the top menu.
- ISO 20121 2nd Pary Conformity Assessment: Read about getting audited.
- ISO 20121 Conformity Register: Register and news stories of organisations and events achieving compliance with the standard.
- Internal Audit Tool: Comply with the internal audit clause, and check if you're 'conformity ready'.