Protect Waterways

Protecting natural waterways from contaminated surface water runoff or ground water flow, is important. Consider the following;

    • Identifying issues concerning potential disruption to or interference with natural waterways and planning event activities to avoid negative impacts.
    • Waterways which are natural habitats are protected from physical interference through being fenced off or out of bounds where necessary.
    • Riparian zones protected from disturbance by no physical infrastructure placed within distances prescribed by regulatory authorities.
    • Environment Agency requirements for activities near waterways are adhered to.
    • Maritime agency requirements for protection of activities on waterways are adhered to.
    • If disposing of grey water through run off or soak-aways, ensure it is at least 100m from a water way.
    • Ensure the supply of adequate toilets to avoid urination on land and waterways.
    • Operations are such to ensure no contaminated water is deposited onto the ground where it may make its way to watercourses (through runoff or ground water).
    • Legacy opportunities for regeneration, enhancement or protection of waterways and immediate surrounding ecological environment.