3. Management Systems

This subject looks at the requirements of a management system to ensure sustainability is embedded in all event management processes.

An Events Sustainability Management System offers a framework to systematically manage sustainability issues in event production.

It is the process of managing sustainable development issues by an event organiser in the designing and organising their events.

The organisation follows sustainable development principles in order to achieve strategic goals which serve the economic, environmental and social interests of organisers, and interested parties such as participants and host communities.

Sustainably managed events bring positive results for local and global society through.

A SEMS is more than eliminating bottled water or offsetting the event-related carbon emissions. A SEMS is a strategic way for an event organiser to lead and operate their events. It includes strategies, policies, processes, systems and actions that intertwine to support and manage events more efficiently, effectively and professionally. Unlike the concept of just ‘greening’, sustainability is not something which can be just plugged into the event management function. Sustainability is a management competence which leads the integration of responsible business practices with a culture of values and principles that guide the organisation and its talent.

The steps include:

  • Seek Committment
  • Identify issues
  • Set objectives
  • Identify & engage stakeholders
  • Provide resources and competencies
  • Manage the supply chain
  • Maintain communications
  • Document the system
  • Monitor and evaluate
  • Management review