Codes of Conduct

What industry codes of conduct, accreditations schemes or standards apply to the events industry?

  • Sustainable Event Alliance Membership Charter
    All members of this professional association pledge to adhere to a membership charter which outlines best practice intent for sustainability in event management.
  • Council for Responsible Sport
    The Council for Responsible Sport provides an independent, comprehensive certification for sustainable athletic events. By defining realistic objectives and providing a framework for achieving them, ReSport enables event directors to incorporate environmental responsibility into their events while informing consumers which events adhere to the standards.
  • Code for Sustainable Tourism
    The Code for Sustainable Tourism has been adopted by both PATA and APEC as a reflection of their strong commitment to tourism growth across the Asia and Pacific region that is viable and sustainable over a long-term future.
    (Pacific Asia Travel Association - PATA and Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation – APEC)
  • Agenda 21
    Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment.