13. Reporting

It is recommended the event establishes indicators against which performance will be judged. These Performance Indicators can be metric or non-metric.

It is recommended you use the GRI Event Organisers Sector Supplement for guidance on reporting indicators for all aspects of sustainability performance reporting.

The following is our suggestion on what should be measured and reported. The industry does not currently agree on what the metrics should be gathered for greenhouse gas emissions. Read more on that here. Once all agree what should be measured and what the boundaries are, the resulting audit information will help to enable industry benchmarks to be calculated, and for managers to be able to assess their performance against industry averages.

Metrics, are not the only area which should be considered for performance. Reporting on ‘disclosure on management approach’ should be included. This is ‘telling the story’ of how you have identified and addressed issues management.

Suggested Core Impact Measures:


  • Total waste produced
  • Total waste recycled
  • Total biodegradable waste
  • Total waste salvaged
  • Total other waste (e.g. e-waste, hazardous)
  • Total % waste diverted from landfill
  • Waste per person per day or per event
  • You may also wish to report pre-production, show days and pull out as separate figures.



  • Total kWh of energy used.
  • Percentage of renewable energy supply
  • GHG emissions

Mobile Power

  • Total fuel used by fuel type.
  • Total number of generators.
  • Total kVa of generators supplied.
  • GHG emissions

Zero Emissions

  • Solar: Total Kilowatt Hours
  • Wind: Total Kilowatt Hours
  • Pedal: Total Kilowatt Hours
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cell: Total Kilowatt Hours
  • Other: Total Kilowatt Hours
You may also wish to report pre-production, show days and pull out as separate figures.


  • Number of toilets by cabin or portal (outdoor events)
  • Total flush volume per toilets by cabin or portaloo (indoor and outdoor)
  • Number of water refill stations (and number of taps) (outdoor)
  • Number of water filled bollards (road blocks) and volume of each. (outdoor)
  • Total rainwater captured and used onsite. (indoor and outdoor)
  • Total water used. (estimate for indoor if relevant/controllable, and for outdoor)
  • Total wastewater removed by sullage hauler or disposed through sewer lines. (outdoor)
  • Total wastewater processed onsite for reuse.


(attendee, talent, production, site)

  • Transport by various mode
  • Occupancy rates in vehicles
  • Percentage arriving by public transport
  • Percentage arriving by foot/cycle
  • Percentage flyingGreenhouse Gas Emissions

Other Impacts
Impacts such as crew and artist transport, transport of waste & sewage, freight of goods and kit and hotel use have not been included in the core benchmarking measures. These can of course be measured if the event has the resources to do so and if the results will offer insight into management for future reductions.

We have agreed not to delve into such things as the embedded energy (GHG) in food and materials. This because full life cycle analysis of all products is not available. Additionally, the workload for collecting the data needed to accurately record these impacts is immense.  If it is possible for your event to collect this data, you are encouraged to do so if you believe the time and resources to accurately do so will give you a management tool for improving strategies.

Wider Sustainability Performance Indicators can be also be reported on. For example the direct or indirect economic benefit an event brings to the host community. Other Performance Indicators are included in the Global Reporting Initiative Event Organizers Sector Supplement. Read more here.