Community & Ecological Environment

Events have a part to play in the protection of the immediate environment and the health, safety and wellbeing of both the human and non-human residents.

This is particularly important for those events which happen outdoors and in close proximity to nature.

Ecological Environment

Consider the following questions:

  • Do event activities disrupt local wildlife (sound, light, pedestrian and vehicle traffic, infrastructure, fencing) and are procedures in place to minimise this?
  • Do the event’s activities impact the local ecological environment (surface protection, attachments to trees, destruction of plant life, litter, emissions to waterways) and are plans in place to minimise this?

Local Community

Consider the following questions:

  • Do the event’s traffic affect the local community?
  • Do the event’s lighting and/or sound affect the local community?
  • Does the event disrupt trade to local businesses?
  • Does the event disrupt access to local services and facilities by the community?
  • Are there issues of protection of sites of heritage or archeological significance?
  • Are issues of Indigenous or First Peoples acknowledgment and rights being observed and managed appropriately?
  • Are religious or cultural issues and sensitivities being observed and managed appropriately?

Use this checklist to review your community and environmental protection issues.