Competency Exam

Below are links to the exam. It is taken in seven sections, and can be completed in whichever order you like. Click through to see a summary of all questions.

You need to fill in  your name and email address on each exam section as the sections are not connected to each other, and this is how we will trace that it is your exam.

Once you submit each section you can't go back and change your answers. If you feel strongly that you need to correct an answer, you will have to complete the entire section again. Upon completion an email will be sent to you with your answers, and you can use that to copy previously answered questions back into the form.

If your internet times out, computer shuts down or you leave the screen for a long period of time, it is likely your answers will be lost. So please copy and paste your answers into a word document as you are progressing through a section, in case one of these disruptions occurs.

Click through to commence the exam. Good luck!