5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

Top management shall ensure that the responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned and communicated within the organization.


This clause requires that responsibilities and authorities for roles are assigned and communicated.

Evidence that roles are assigned for various responsibilities in implementing the event sustainability management system is required.

This could include an organizational hierarchy chart, but is more likely an action list with people's names or roles against them.

Provide evidence of overarching delegation of roles, inclusion by all departments in the sustainability oversight, creation of agenda items at meetings where department representatives are responsible for addressing their department's sustainability responsibility, who reports on which areas of sustainability performance, etc.


Each person responsible for elements of the event planning cycle and event operation must be clearly assigned the appropriate role for implementing the sustainable event management system. One person may guide the rest of the team, or each team member may be delegated a specific duty. A guiding hand or overall coordinator will be required when first adopting a sustainable event management system to work towards embedding the processes and procedures into the team and the event planning cycle.


COMMITMENT AND RESOURCING/ Delegation of Roles: Top management ensures roles to implement the event sustainability management system are assigned and communicated within the organization.


The Sustainability Manager is delegated with the authority of overseeing all planning, implementation and reporting of sustainability efforts at XYZ Organization.

This is supported by the Greening Committee, and re-enforced through the [Production Manager].

Below is a list of those staff or contracted crew responsible for various aspects of managing sustainability issues.


This clause requires that responsibilities and authorities for roles are assigned and communicated.

  • Look for evidence that roles are assigned for various responsibilities in implementing the event sustainability management system.
  • This could include an organizational hierarchy chart, but is more likely an action list with people's names or roles against them.
  • It will not be likely you can review every process, so look for overarching delegation of roles, inclusion by all departments in the sustainability oversight, creation of agenda items at meetings where department representatives are responsible for addressing their department's sustainability responsibility, who reports on which areas of sustainability performance, etc.


  • Responsibility for planning, implementation and control of event sustainability is in place.
  • Roles are documented and communicated.