6.2 Event sustainability objectives and how to achieve them

The organization shall establish event sustainability objectives at relevant functions and levels. The organization shall ensure that supporting targets are established.

See clause for more details.


Clause 6.2 ‘Event sustainability objectives and how to achieve them’ requires that the organisation establish objectives and supporting targets.

As with all objectives, event sustainability objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable and time-bound. They need to align with your sustainability policy, and stated purpose of the organisation and its sustainable development principles.

Importantly objectives and targets must be communicated.

The specific mention of ‘legacy’ in this clause may require you to build in considerations for and objectives and targets based around legacy. Please see the Legacy based performance indicators in the GRI EOSS for more explanation.

It also a requirement that mapped back to your objectives and targets that you have also determeined what will be done to meet the objectives and targets, what resources will be required, who is responsible, when it will be completed and how the results will be evaluated.

This is stated in Clause 6.2 but has obvious synergies with:

  • what will be done – [6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities]
  • what resources will be required; [7.1 Resources]
  • who will be responsible; [5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities]
  • when it will be completed; [6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities]
  • how the results will be evaluated. [9 Performance evaluation]


Without establishing objectives and targets, performance success cannot be measured. By communicating these goals to stakeholders, you are engaging them in the process to achieving them. Understanding how you will measure performance will be a major part in establishing what your objectives will be.

Systems in place to measure performance against objectives and targets will need to be established.

If you are in the first year of data and performance gathering you will need to establish a baseline from which to measure your performance. Along with implementing some initiatives, your main aim in the first year of tackling sustainability could be a thorough diagnostic process and measurement of current impacts.

Performance Indicators

Set your aims, objectives and targets to align with the indicators of performance you have identified as barometers to your sustainability success.

Theses performance objectives and targets could include, as well as the obvious waste, water, transport, energy, GHGs, other aspects of sustainability and support of sustainable development principles as a result of your event activities.

It is recommended you refer to the Global Reporting Initiative’s Event Organiszers Sector Supplement for guidance on performance indicators for events sustainability reporting. This will guide you on what your objectives and targets could be.

Objectives and targets could be based upon:

  1. purposes and values of the organisation
  2. policies of the organisation
  3. consideration for sustainability issues
  4. regulation, legals and other requirements
  5. financial and business requirements
  6. legacy potential
  7. consideration for sustainable alternative solutions
  8. the greatest improvement practically possible

Certainly they should include measurability where practical – with metrics included.

Examples of objectives are:

  • reduce total waste created
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • increase direct economic benefit to the host community

Examples of targets are:

  • reduce total waste created by 10%
  • increase cycling to the event by attendees to 20% of total attendees
  • 50% of sourcing expenditure is with companies with sustainability practices in place

Objectives and targets should also map back to issues and their evaluation. What issues have been identified as significant and relevant, and important to your interested parties? The ability to achieve results will be also based on the degree of control or influence over an issue. So when setting objectives and targets, also map back to your interested parties needs and requirements, the issues you have identified and the relative importance in acting you have assigned to them.


PLANNING/Objectives and targets: Sustainability performance objectives, measurable targets and performance indicators have been set and communicated to all relevant parties.

Note: Synergies with 9.2 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation, and 9.4 Management review.  Also synergies with:


  • what will be done – [6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities]
  • what resources will be required; [7.1 Resources]
  • who will be responsible; [5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities]
  • when it will be completed; [6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities]
  • how the results will be evaluated. [9 Performance evaluation]



The event sustainability objectives are outlined in the Sustainability Policy. Specific objectives are also included in the departmental action plans.

The Sustainability Manager cross checks against performance of objectives at meetings with relevant departments and in the Greening Committee meetings.

Objectives and their fulfilment are also assessed in the management review and in the analysis, interpretation and reporting of performance.


  • Look for the way the organization will assess its performance against key sustainability indicators. These should include the obvious metrics of physical impacts, but should also include the non-physical impacts, many of which are expressed in the GRI EOSS.
  • Ensure that the objectives, targets and performance indicators are relevant, that data collection is robust, and that analysis and interpretation of results is accurate and representative of the situation and performance outcomes.
  • Review the performance report and recommendations for future actions to ensure continual improvement.
  • It may be acceptable to have overarching objectives and then department specific measurables or even just action plans.


  • The organization has objectives and targets to achieve in event sustainability performance.
  • Included are indicators of performance.