7.2 Competence

The organization shall:

  • determine the necessary competence of person(s) doing work under its control that affects its event sustainability performance;
  • ensure that these persons are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, or experience;
  • where applicable, take actions to acquire the necessary competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actions taken;
  • retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence;
  • review and update training and development programmes periodically to ensure essential competencies and associated training needs are identified and provided.


The organization must determine the necessary competence of those doing work under its control that affects its event sustainability performance, based on appropriate education, training or experience. Where competencies are lacking, top management must provide training or support. (Clause 7.2).


The team members making purchasing, logistical and planning decisions must have the skills and knowledge to make the most sustainable decision for the organization and event, based on the policies and directives set down by the organization.

With the right knowledge they will be able to successfully scrutinize the supply chain and proposals, ask the right questions and guide the event to the most sustainable outcome. If the team does not have these skills, staff training, ongoing professional development or contracting an external consultant are options.

Top management should provide training to relevant event staff or those under the control of the organization doing work on their behalf. (This could include seasonal contracted staff)

It is advised to encourage relevant persons to join the Sustainable Event Alliance and to network with peers through LinkedIn Events Sustainability Practitioners. So that continuing professional development can occur. If you have a sustainability manager or co-ordinator on staff, conduct quarterly information sessions and in-house workshops to complement formal training.

Read the event sustainability competencies prescribed by the Sustainable Event Alliance here.

For those team members or temporary workforce involved in implementing sustainability initiatives or whose involvement is essential in success, training or on-site inductions should also be carried out.


COMMITMENT AND RESOURCING/Competence and Awareness: Top Management ensures those doing work under the organization’s control, have the required competencies in event sustainability, provide training or specialist support as required, and ensure awareness of the organization’s sustainability policy.


XYZ Organisation has determined that all staff making procurement, communications or production logistic decisions, or that are dealing with external parties who make the same on behalf of the organisation, shall undergo training in Event Sustainability Management. View the list of who has been trained.

All staff and contractors undergo inductions at sites and venues which includes information on sustainability relevant to them. Sustainability information for inductions is provided by the Sustainability Manager.

Caterers are inducted into waste programs specific to each site, by staff or waste contractors.

Additionally staff, contracted crew, venues, and eventually artists and caterers will all have access to the Sustainability Intranet Portal. View the list of those with access here.

The necessary competence is dictated by the industry association Sustainable Event Alliance. All training carried out is by organisations with endorsed training which cover these competencies requirements. A list of the competencies can be viewed here: sustainable-event-alliance.org/professional_development/sustainability-leader/expected-competencies/

The following is in place to ensure competencies are up to date:

  • Six monthly review of new staff who have not undertaken the two day training.
  • Six monthly in-house Sustainability workshops to review performance, learn new techniques and plan for the future.

The attached are certificates of completion for relevant staff members undertaking the formal training in event sustainability.


This clause (7.2) requires that the organization determine the necessary competence of those doing work under its control that affects its event sustainability performance, based on appropriate education, training or experience. Where competencies are lacking, top management must provide training or support.

  • Review documentation of steps taken to ensure those working on behalf of the organization have the competencies to complete their work with regards to sustainability. (This can include staff, contractors, workforce at the event, food stallholders, caterers, waste workers etc.). Competencies can also include the skills necessary to know how to implement the management system.
  • Look for documented proof of competencies being achieved.
  • This could include:
    - a log of competencies next to staff names.
    - a schedule/log of training undertaken and workshops attended
    - documented proof of inclusion of sustainability in onsite inductions
    - a log of inductions which have occurred.


  • The organization has demonstrated that the required competency exists by those doing work under its control that affects its event sustainability performance, or is available externally, to ensure successful implementation of the event sustainability management system.
  • The organization has documented who has undertaken training, and/or competencies.
  • Onsite/at event inductions are undertaken.